美国等国正积极抗击网络安全日益面临的威胁,作为在世界范围内促进中东(Middle East)和平与安全的广泛努力之一。

(State Dept./D. Thompson)
这个工作组是华沙进程(Warsaw Process)的组成部分,以美国和波兰为首,要求解决中东地区持续面临的威胁,促使该地区恢复繁荣。
特朗普(Trump)政府已敦促伊朗政权停止网络攻击。美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Michael R. Pompeo)提出12项解除对该政权经济制裁的条件,停止网络攻击即是其中之一。
华沙进程工作组于本月为讨论共同的战略重点陆续开始举行会议。网络安全工作组(Working Group on Cybersecurity)会议由大韩民国主办。其他国家将分别主持以下会议。
美国主持人权工作组(Working Group on Human Rights)会议。
巴林王国主持海事及航空安全工作组(Working Group on Maritime and Aviation Security)会议。
波兰共和国主持能源安全工作组(Working Group on Energy Security)会议。
罗马尼亚主持导弹扩散问题工作组(Working Group on Missile Proliferation)会议。
‘Warsaw Process’ initiative promotes stability in cyberspace
The U.S. and other nations are working to counter growing threats to cybersecurity as part of a wide-ranging effort to improve peace and security in the Middle East.
Representatives of more than 40 nations convened a cybersecurity working group October 7–8 in Seoul, South Korea, to discuss strategies for better deterring and responding to cyberattacks.

(State Dept./D. Thompson)
The working group is part of the Warsaw Process, led by the U.S. and Poland, that seeks to address ongoing threats in the Middle East and bring prosperity to the region.
The Trump administration has called on the Iranian regime to halt its cyberattacks. That demand is one of U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo’s 12 requirements for lifting economic sanctions against the regime.
The Warsaw Process working groups began meeting this month to tackle shared strategic priorities. In addition to the Republic of Korea hosting the Working Group on Cybersecurity, other countries will host groups as follows:
The United States will host the Working Group on Human Rights.
The Kingdom of Bahrain will host the Working Group on Maritime and Aviation Security.
The Republic of Poland will host the Working Group on Energy Security.
Romania will host the Working Group on Missile Proliferation.