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在回答这个问题之前,先声明一点:三剑种——花剑、重剑和剑种之中没有好坏之分。剑种的选择也没有标准答案,澳洲国家队教练、击剑大师Antonio Signorello也对此表示赞同。




比如孩子的预测身高、臂长。身高明显高于同龄人的孩子可以郑 重考虑一下重剑。孩子的爆发力、耐力、敏捷度和协调能力。爆发力明显突出的孩子可以从佩剑入手。

击剑大师Antonio Signorello认为,对于父母来说,最理想的情况是孩子可以去一个三剑种齐全的俱乐部,起步阶段听从专业教练的建议,等孩子练了一段时间对击剑有自己的理解后,再和教练一起决定长期练习的剑种。他说即使在击剑历史深厚的意大利,全国800来家俱乐部里,三剑种齐全的俱乐部也就5家左右。这么说来,能来三剑种齐全的新州击剑中心的小伙伴是很幸福的。
How to choose the right weapon in fencing?

Frequently, new fencing parents come up with this question: how to choose the right weapon for my child? How can I know it is the right choice?
Before answering this question, let’s make it clear: among three weapons, i.e. foil,epee and sabre, there is no the best one. Maestro Antonio Signorello, AustraliaNational Fencing Coach also agrees with this that there is no standard answer to how.
All you are seeking for is the right one which your child enjoys most and most times, it brings the most of yourpotential.
For new fencers and their parents, the first thing I would suggest is to watch three-weapon competitions at Youtube and see how’s your child’s first reaction and comment.
As you can see from the videos:
Foil fencers need toscore at a relatively smaller target area compared to epee and sabre, quickly move backwards and forwards for attacking and defending, hence a fast-thinkingbrain together with extraordinary physical flexibility and endurance is a must.If you watch those foil fencers from different countries, you may find someone from 1.7m to nearly 2m tall.
However, generally epee fencers are quite tall which gives them a natural advantage to score a touch at any part of the opponent. The epee competition pace is the slowest among three. Such a cautious weapon suits some personality for sure.
No doubt, Sabre is an exciting weapon due to the way of fencing which scores with the edge of theblade as well as the point. As the quickest weapon of three, it naturally attracts those so-called “hack and slash” fencers with terrific explosiveness.

If your child is young and you don’t have much knowledge in fencing, a good middle ground is to start with foil. If possible, let your child try the three weapons in the first few month and see whether he or she has an obvious preference. If you are told he or she likes one weapon, congratulations! Puzzle solved! The natural interest serves as the best guide for further development.
If your child is not sure, this is the time you step in to help, more accurately, to facilitate the discuss among your child, yourself and the coach. With the deepening experienceand knowledge of fencing, together with the coach’s observation of your child, you may start the conversation with your child and coach considering the following points:
Your child’s physical ability:
potential height, thelimb length. As we mentioned earlier, epee is a good choice for a fencerwith predictable tall figure.
explosiveness,endurance, agility etc. Children with outstanding explosiveness definitely should try sabre.
Your child’s thinkingand reaction habit/speed, personality
Children with a more‘aggressive’ approach in fencing are good candidates for sabre whereas those with slow pace probably lean to epee more.
Expertise of theavailable coach(es)
We can’t ignore that fencing is a niche sports in Australia and there are not many fencing clubs around. One club specializing in one weapon near your home probably doesn’t match your child’s interest. Then parents have to assess the feasibility of driving to a club further away probably twice a week to train with the right coach.
The quantity andquality of the sparring partners
As a combating sports, fencing requires sparring to ensure the fencers to utilize what they havelearned in the real scenario. The quantity and quality of sparringpartners are one of the key factors for improvement. I don’t deny that thereare talented fencers who manage to improve with every limitedsparring partners. For most fencers, naturally they improve faster in anchallenging sparring environment which is also the reason why fencing summer camps are popular throughout the world.
Every fencer needs to fence as many different opponents as possible to escape the auto pilot fencing mode.
Later on, once your childstarts regular competition, sometimes, he or she may get frustrated by thereferee’s judgement about the ‘right of the way’ which applies to foil andsabre. I did encounter a fencer who told me that he changed to epee from foil becausehe is tired of some amateur referees. No doubt the tricks of the right of way caneasily confuse beginners. Even at higher level, sometimes world class referees don’tagree with each other about the right of way for those indistinct movement. One thing for sure is that once your child learns how to communicate with the referee on the piste, his/her ability to manage the competition is up to another level!
Another interesting observation is once the child enters puberty period, this is the highly possible time to change weapon if he/she wants to. Probably the growth spurt brings surprise as well as touchable potential and new opportunity.
Maestro Antonio Signorello points out an ideal way to start is to“choose the weapon taught at the club as where all weapons are available (InItaly, there are only about five clubs offering three weapons out of 800 or soclubs!)”…”A child should simply follow the coach’s suggestion at first, then,after leaning some good basics and having observed all weapons, he or she caneventually confirm or change discipline in agreement with the coach.”
We are so lucky that NSW Fencing Centre does offer three weapons with top credentialed and determined coaches.
All in all, again, remember that there is no standard answer about how to choose a weapon. Be prepared for mistakes along the journey. After all the analysis, trust your gut feeling, or your child’s instinct!
Written by Jing Shang, mother of two fencers.
Disclaimer:the above is the author's personal opinion and is not the opinion of NSW Fencing Centre or any other third party.