1. 女王再次出镜演讲,没驾崩,但健康显然出问题了
There are concerns for the health of Queen Elizabeth II after Her Majesty delivered a speech while seemingly battling a cold.女王陛下演讲时好像正在感冒,引发了公众对伊丽莎白二世女王健康的担忧。
At 93, the Queen keeps up an impressive schedule of official duties, including the speech that outlined the Government's legislative agenda at the State Opening of Parliament on Monday.93岁的女王公务一直很繁忙,周一在国会开幕仪式上做了概述政府立法议程的演讲。
Keen observers noticed Her Majesty breathing more rapidly and heavily as she read her script on the throne in the House of Lords.细心的观众注意到女王陛下在上议院的王座上演讲时呼吸急促而沉重。
Royal fans took to Twitter to express her concerns, with one saying: "She very obviously has a cold. You can hear it, plus the sniffling."皇室粉丝在推特上表达了担忧,一个人说:“她很明显是感冒了,你能听出来,还有抽动鼻子的声音。”
Another said: "That cough did not sound too good."另一个人说:“咳嗽声听起来不太好。”
One woman suggested: "The Queen is probably going home now to have a nice glass of honey, lemon and a splash of whisky."一个女人表示:“女王现在可能要回家喝一杯柠檬蜂蜜,再加点威士忌。”
Another concerned fan tweeted: "She sounds ill. Hoping it's just a cold and not a heavy decline in health."另一个担忧的粉丝在推特上写道:“她听起来是病了,希望只是感冒,不是身体状况变差了。”
2. 土耳其问题越来越严重,特朗普发动制裁

President Donald Trump also phoned his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to demand an immediate truce, Vice-President Mike Pence said.副总统迈克·彭斯说:“唐纳德·特朗普总统也致电土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安,要求其立即停战”。
Mr Pence said he would travel to the region "as quickly as possible".彭斯副总统说他将“尽快”出访该地区。
The move comes after criticism of a US troop withdrawal from the region which some say gave Turkey a "green light".这一举措是因为此前有人批评美国从该地区撤军,说这给土耳其开了“绿灯”。
The Turkish offensive, which began last week, aims to push the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from the border region.土耳其的进攻从上周开始,旨在把库尔德领导的叙利亚民主力量(SDF)赶出边境地区。
Turkey considers the biggest militia in the SDF a terrorist organisation.土耳其认为叙利亚民主力量中规模最大的民兵是恐怖组织。
Turkish forces also want to establish what their government describes as a "safe zone" in the area, to resettle up to two million Syrian refugees currently in Turkey.土耳其军队也想在该地区建立政府所谓的“安全地带”,用来安置目前在土耳其的200万叙利亚难民。
Many of them are not Kurds and critics warn this could lead to ethnic cleansing of the local Kurdish population.其中很多人都不是库尔德人,批评人士警告称这可能会导致当地库尔德人遭受种族清洗。
Kurdish-led forces have been a key ally of the US in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria. They described the US withdrawal, which preceded Turkish action, as being a "stab in the back".库尔德领导的军队是美国在叙利亚打击伊斯兰国(IS)组织的关键盟友。他们说美国在土耳其进攻前撤军是“在背后捅刀子”。
3. 《怪奇物语》编剧透露第4季,将和这5部电影有关

The Peanut Butter Solution is a 1985 French comedy-horror film in which a kid sees a gaggle of ghosts and experiences "The Fright," a condition that causes his hair to fall out. The remedy to his early onset baldness is — you guessed it — a peanut butter solution, but the kid mucks the recipe up, and things go hair-wire from there.《魔发》是1985年的一部法国喜剧恐怖电影,剧中一个孩子看到了一群鬼,并经历了“恐怖”症,使他失去了所有头发。你猜对了,治疗他早期秃顶的方法就是花生酱,但这个孩子把配方搞砸了,情况就开始变得一团糟。
The Fisher King is a 1991 dramedy about a cocky radio host who inadvertently triggers a mass murder event and ventures to help the husband of one of the victims, a deluded man on a mission to find the Holy Grail.《渔王》是1991年的一部正喜剧,讲述了一个傲慢的之声主持人无意中引发大规模谋杀,并冒险去帮助一个受害者的丈夫,这个人妄图寻找圣杯。
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is the 1991 sequel to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Like the first film, the movie centers on the eponymous duo as they hang out with people from other time periods, but this time, they also take a trip to Hell and have to battle with Death over games like Twister and Clue1991年播出的《比尔和特德历险记》是《阿比阿弟的冒险》的续集。和第一部一样,这部剧主要讲述了这对同名的二人组和其他时代的人一起出去玩的故事,但这一次他们还去了地狱,和死神比赛玩Twister and Clue游戏。
You've Got Mail is perhaps the most confounding part of this list because the 1998 rom-com has absolutely nothing to do with the supernatural.《电子情书》可能是这些电影中最令人费解的,因为这部1998年的浪漫喜剧和超自然力量一点关系都没有。
Ordinary People is a highly decorated 1980 drama film about a family that gets ripped apart by the death of one son and the suicide attempt of the other.《普通人》是1980年的一部剧情片,讲述了一家人因为一个儿子的离世和另一个儿子自杀未遂而支离破碎的故事。
4. Facebook惨了,4大合作伙伴不再支持其电子货币

PayPal bailed last Friday, and now eBay, Mastercard, and Stripe are tripping over each other on their way out the door.PayPal上周五撤出,现在eBay、万事达卡和Stripe也相继退出。
Another major partner, Visa, has also been reportedly “reconsidering” its role in the nonprofit organization charged with running Libra, according to the Wall Street Journal.据《华尔街日报》报道,另外一个主要合作伙伴维萨据说也在“重新考虑”其在负责管理Libra的非营利性组织中所扮演的角色。
The departures follow opposition to the project from France as well as the House Financial Services Committee—the latter will get to hear from CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself in a hearing on October 23.这些公司退出是因为此前法国和美国国会众议院金融服务委员会反对这一项目,该委员会将在10月23日的听证会上听取首席执行官马克·扎克伯格的证词。
The Libra Association’s remaining partners, including Uber, S-potify, and Coinbase, plan to gather next week in Geneva, Switzerland, to appoint a board of directors for the group.Uber、声田和比特币公司等剩余的Libra协会合作伙伴计划下周在瑞士日内瓦会面,为集团委任董事会。
The ongoing scrutiny of Libra makes Facebook’s partners all the more vital to actually launching Libra. But already, many of the financial heavyweights that signed on for Libra seem to have lost interest in offering Facebook anything more than verbal support.正在进行的针对Libra的审查使Facebook的合作伙伴在Libra的真正推出中更为举足轻重。但目前许多签约参与Libra的金融巨头好像都已经失去了兴趣,只是口头支持Facebook。
“We highly respect the vision of the Libra Association; however, eBay has made the decision to not move forward as a founding member,” an eBay spokesperson said in a statement published by Bloomberg. Likewise, a Stripe spokesperson kindly wrote, “Stripe is supportive of projects that aim to make online commerce more accessible for people around the world. Libra has this potential.”一位eBay公司发言人在《彭博》发表的一份声明中说:“我们特别欣赏Libra协会的愿景,但eBay已经决定不再继续作创始成员。”一位Stripe公司发言人同样善意地写道:“Stripe支持旨在让全世界的人更容易地利用在线商务的项目,Libra有这个潜力。”
5. 波音和保时捷联手开发飞行电动汽车

The US aircraft giant and German sports car maker announced Thursday they are teaming up to "explore the premium urban air mobility market and the extension of urban traffic into airspace," through "a fully electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle."
Translation: They want to develop an electric vehicle that can fly.
Porsche's parent company, Volkswagen AG, (VLKAF) is the world's largest automaker. It has announced a major push into the development of electric vehicles, setting a target of building 22 million electric cars across its brands over the next 10 years.
"We are combining the strengths of two leading global companies to address a potential key market segment of the future," says Detlev von Platen, a member of the Porsche board in charge of sales and marketing. "In the longer term, this could mean moving into the third dimension of travel."
保时捷负责销售和市场营销的董事会成员Detlev von Platen说:“我们要将两家全球领先公司联合起来,占据潜在的未来市场的关键部分。从长期来看,这可能意味着要进入出行的第三维度。”
Boeing's revenue topped $100 billion for the first time in 2018, although its sales will be sharply lower this year due to the grounding of its best selling commercial jet, the 737 Max, following two fatal accidents that killed 346 people. It has already shown a prototype of a self-driving electric powered flying car earlier this year.
2018年波音营收首次突破1000亿美元,但由于两次重大事故导致346人丧生,其畅销的商用飞机737 Max停飞,所以今年销售额骤减。今年早些时候该公司展示了自动驾驶电动飞行汽车的原型。
"Porsche and Boeing (BA) together bring precision engineering, style and innovation to accelerate urban air mobility worldwide," said Steve Nordlund, general manager of Boeing NeXt, a unit of the company working on next generation vehicles and aircraft.
波音公司研究新一代汽车和飞机的Boeing NeXt部门的总经理Steve Nordlund说:“保时捷和波音一起带来精密工程、时尚和创新,从而加速全球城市空中交通。”
6. 波音CEO被解除董事长职务

波音737 Max飞机停飞长达7个月了,对波音公司首席执行官Dennis Muilenburg来说局势越来越严峻。
The directors expressed support for Muilenburg but pledged “active oversight” as they handed his chairman’s post to lead director David Calhoun, who has been mentioned in years past as a potential Boeing CEO.董事们表达了对Muilenburg的支持,但在将董事长职位交给首席董事David Calhoun时,他们承诺将“积极监督”。过去几年里David一直被视为接任波音首席执行官的人选。
The Friday-evening shakeup weakens Muilenburg, 55, as he tries to get the Max back in the air this quarter and prepares for a crucial appearance before Congress on Oct. 30.周五晚上的职位调整对55岁的Muilenburg来说是个打击,他本季度努力让Max飞机重新起航,一直在为10月30日在国会的重要露面做准备。
Boeing’s reputation and finances have been battered since two Max crashes killed 346 people and prompted a global grounding, and U.S. regulators have yet to schedule a crucial test flight needed to re-certify the plane.两架Max飞机坠毁造成346人丧生之后,波音在全球禁飞,公司声誉和财政都遭受重创。美国监管机构尚未安排重要试飞对飞机进行重新认证。
“If they’re on course for re-certification in the fourth quarter as they maintain, then he could hang on,” Richard Aboulafia, an aerospace analyst at Teal Group, said of Muilenburg. “If it slips much beyond then, then his job is definitely at risk.”蒂尔集团的航空分析师Richard Aboulafia提到Muilenburg时说:“如果能像他们所说的那样在第四季度重新获得认证,他还可以坚持下去。如果远超出这一时间范围,那他的工作可能就保不住了。”
7. LV母公司投资了一个新潮流品牌,关注心理健康

路易酩轩 LVMH,也就是 LV 的母公司,最近投资了一个初创公司 Madhappy,从表面上看它和其他品牌都不一样。
这个创办两年的品牌由4个二十多岁的年轻人在洛杉矶创立,推出以乐观为主题的街头服饰。联合创始人Peiman Raf称该品牌要通过引发关于心理健康的讨论,使全世界变得更乐观。
“Growing up, we found that many streetwear labels seemed to be very exclusive, and we wanted to create a brand that was the opposite of that,” he says. “But we want to take it a step further and start conversations about mental health. Many of our events are focused on talking about mental health issues that most people don’t often talk about publicly.”他说:“我们长大以后发现很多街头服饰品牌都很高端,我们想打造不一样的品牌。但我们想进一步激发人们关于心理健康的讨论,我们很多活动主题都是人们不常在外聊的心理健康问题。”
LVMH was the biggest investor in Madhappy’s $1.5 million seed round, among other investors including Tommy Hilfiger and the founders of Sweetgreen.路易酩轩在Madhappy的种子轮融资中投了150万美元,成为最大投资方,其他投资方有汤米·希尔费格和Sweetgreen(沙拉快餐连锁店)的创始人。
Madhappy creates streetwear staples at a higher-end price point, including things like $160 hoodies, $140 sweatpants, and $70 T-shirts. These pieces stand out because they’re often in bright colors, and they have positive sayings on them, including T-shirts that simply say “Optimistic.”Madhappy以较高的价格推出了街头服饰,有160美元的连帽衫、140美元的运动裤和70美元的T恤。这些单品大都颜色鲜艳,很显眼,上面还印有积极的话语,T恤上就简单地印有“乐观”字样。
According to Raf, many traditional streetwear brands have a largely male audience, but Madhappy’s customers are more evenly split between men and women.Raf说很多传统的街头服饰品牌的消费者以男性为主,但Madhappy的消费者中性别比例更为平均。
The brand launched online but has also launched pop-ups across the country, from Los Angeles to New York to Aspen, Colorado, to Miami.这个品牌在网上有售,但也在全国开了快闪店,比如洛杉矶、纽约、科罗拉多州的阿斯彭和迈阿密等地。
And Madhappy products have gained a following among celebrities like Gigi Hadid, Steph Curry, Katy Perry, and Cardi B.Madhappy的产品受到了名人追捧,如吉吉·哈迪德、Steph Curry、凯蒂·佩里和卡迪·B。
8. 美国的房产中介推出神奇新服务:帮你看看是否闹鬼

反复看《鬼驱人》Poltergeist 你就会明白一件事,那就是:买房子之前要确保房子不是建在墓地上。
《潜伏》Insidious、《鬼影实录》Paranormal Activity、《夺魄冤魂》The Changeling 和《咒怨》The Grudge 等电影都告诉你买房子时做超自然调查的重要性。
That’s why this month only, real estate platform Bungalo is adding a useful new tool to make sure the home inspection process is thorough in this world and beyond: Paranormal Inspection Reports. Yes, you read that correctly.所以本月房地产平台Bungalo增设了一个有用的新工具,确保能对房子中的这个世界和超自然界进行全面的上门检查:超自然检验报告。对,你看的没错。
Now not only will the company run through the more traditional 160-point home inspection punch list, as well as inviting an unaffiliated third party to inspect the property, but now every Bungalo home for sale in Charlotte, Dallas, and Tampa will also be inspected by a professional paranormal investigator. Because I ain’t afraid of no ghost, unless it’s in my bathroom and diminishing my property values, right? Right.现在这家公司除了进行传统的160点房屋检查之外,还会请独立第三方检查房屋,而且现在Bungalo在夏洛特、达拉斯和坦帕出售的每个房屋也将由研究超自然现象的专业人员检查。因为我不怕鬼,除非它出现在我的浴室里,还会降低我的房子的价值,对吗?对的。
因为曾经的主人一般不会提闹鬼的事,这可能是确保你最终不会在坦帕的家里重现《鬼入侵》The Haunting of Hill House 的最好方法。
9. NASA提出新的概念引擎,据说能达到光速的99%

但人类的另一个欲望是找到解决大问题的办法,NASA工程师David Burns就一直利用业余时间研究这个。
He's produced an engine concept that, he says, could theoretically accelerate to 99 percent of the speed of light - all without using propellant.他提出了一个引擎概念,他说理论上可以加速到光速的99%,而且完全不用推进剂。
He's posted it to the NASA Technical Reports Server under the heading "Helical Engine", and, on paper, it works by exploiting the way mass can change at relativistic speeds - those close to the speed of light in a vacuum. It has not yet been reviewed by an expert.他将其发表在NASA技术报告服务器上,标题是“螺旋引擎”。理论上来说它的工作原理是利用相对论性速度(即与真空中光速接近的速度)下质量变化的方式。至今还没有专家对此做出评论。
Understandably this paper has caused buzz approaching levels seen in the early days of the EM Drive. And yes, even some headlines claiming the engine could 'violate the laws of physics'.可以理解的是这个论文已经引发关注,其热度可以媲美无燃料引擎早期的关注度。甚至有些新闻声称该引擎可能“违反物理定律”。
But while this concept is fascinating, it's definitely not going to break physics anytime soon.虽然这个概念很吸引人,但短期内绝对不会打破物理规律。
As a thought experiment to explain his concept, Burns describes a box with a weight inside, threaded on a line, with a spring at each end bouncing the weight back and forth.Burns利用一个思维实验解释他的概念,他描述说一个盒子里面有一个重物,穿在一条线上,两端用弹簧来回弹起重物。
In a vacuum - such as space - the effect of this would be to wiggle the entire box, with the weight seeming to stand still, like a gif stabilised around the weight.在真空状态,比如太空中,这样做的结果是整个盒子都会动,重物似乎静止不动,就像放置在重物周围的动图。
10. 新研究:走路慢的人可能更容易老

New findings from a longitudinal study of just over 900 New Zealanders that began back in the 1970s has found that people in their 40s who walk with a slow gait are more likely to show signs of accelerated biological ageing and compromised brain integrity.20世纪70年代就开始了针对900多个新西兰人进行的纵向研究,新的研究结果发现40多岁时走路慢的人更可能出现生物老化加速和大脑完整性受损的迹象。
"The thing that's really striking is that this is in 45-year-old people, not the geriatric patients who are usually assessed with such measures," says biomedical researcher Line J.H. Rasmussen from Duke University.杜克大学的生物医学研究员Line J.H. Rasmussen说:“真正引人注意的是这是在45岁的人群中出现的问题,而不是通常用这些方法进行评估的老年患者。”
Rasmussen and fellow researchers examined participants from the Dunedin Study, an exceptionally long longitudinal health study that began almost five decades ago with a cohort of over 1,000 three-year-olds.Rasmussen和其他研究人员检查了达尼丁研究的参与者,这一研究是大约50年前开始的耗时特别长的纵向健康研究,研究对象是1000多名三岁的儿童。
In new research assessing the health of 904 of the remaining participants at the age of 45, the team found walking speed at mid-life seems to offer a unique window into life-long ageing processes that go back all the way to childhood.新研究评估了904位健在的参与者45岁时的健康状况,研究团队发现中年时的走路速度好像提供了一个独特的窗口,让我们得以了解从孩童时期就开始的、伴随我们一生的衰老过程。
"This study covered the period from the preschool years to midlife, and found that a slow walk is a problem sign decades before old age," says Duke psychologist and neuroscientist Terrie E. Moffitt.杜克大学的心理学家和神经科学家Terrie E. Moffitt说:“这项研究涵盖了学前到中年的阶段,发现走路慢是一个在步入老年前几十年就出现的有问题的迹象。”
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