1:台风海贝思Typhoon Hagibis;
2:山体滑坡和泥石流landslides and mudflows;
3:21条河流决堤Embankments of 21 rivers collapsed.
4:被洪水吞没engulfed by floodwater;
5:暴雨预警downpour warning;
6:温带气旋an extratropical cyclone
1:中国与尼泊尔将建立中尼面向发展与繁荣的世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系China and Nepal agreed to upgrade their relations to a strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity;
2:中尼友好在尼泊尔拥有广泛共识和扎实根基China-Nepal friendship enjoys broad consensus and solid foundation in Nepal;
3:中尼两国人民心意相通、休戚与共,是邻国友好交往的典范。The two peoples have shared weal and woe, and set an example of friendly exchanges between neighboring countries;
4:跨喜马拉雅立体互联互通网络建设the construction of a trans-Himalayan connectivity network
1:当地人民检察院对孙小果等13名被告人以组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪提起公诉。Local prosecutors have filed an indictment against Sun Xiaoguo and the other 12 suspects for organizing, leading and participating in mafia-natured organizations.
2:再审conduct a retrial;
3:强制侮辱妇女insult women by forcible means;
4:故意伤害intentionally inflict injury upon others;
5:寻衅滋事create disturbances;
6:监察机关supervisory organs;
7:职务犯罪duty-related crimes
1:中美双方在达成经贸协议问题上是一致的。China and the United States hold the same position on reaching an economic and trade deal.
2:中美经贸高级别磋商 China-U.S. high-level economic and trade consultations;
3:结果符合各方期待。This outcome is in line with the expectations of all parties.
4:实质性进展substantial progress;
5:加征关税impose levies on;
6:缓解贸易冲突de-escalate tensions
1:这次庆祝活动充分展示了新中国成立70年来的辉煌成就,有力彰显了国威军威,极大振奋了民族精神,广泛激发了各方面力量。The celebrations had showcased China’s glorious achievements over the past 70 years, demonstrated China’s national and military strength, boosted the morale of the Chinese nation and generated momentum across the board.
2:活动能够取得圆满成功,根本在于党中央的坚强领导,在于全党全军全国各族人民的共同努力。The success of the celebrations lies in the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the concerted efforts of the whole Party, the entire military and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.
3:加强爱国主义教育strengthen patriotic education
1:奥斯卡2020年最佳国际电影the best international feature film category at the 2020 Oscars;
2:3D动画电影 3D animated film;
3:票房赢家box-office juggernaut;
4:因为预言说他将毁灭世界,哪吒发现其他人都害怕和排斥自己。Ne Zha finds himself a feared outcast because of a divine prophecy that he will bring destruction to the world.
5:一夜成名become an overnight inspiration;
6:本土大片home-grown blockbuster
1:#国家扶贫日# National Poverty Relief Day;
当前,脱贫攻坚已到了决战决胜、全面收官的关键阶段。The country’s battle against poverty has reached a crucial stage of securing a decisive and complete victory.
2:务必咬定目标must stick to poverty relief goals;
3:一鼓作气,坚决攻克深度贫困堡垒make continuous efforts to tackle extreme poverty;
4:着力补齐贫困人口义务教育、基本医疗、住房和饮水安全短板improve weak links in compulsory education, basic medical care, housing and drinking water safety for the impoverished population;
5:确保农村贫困人口全部脱贫,同全国人民一道迈入小康社会 ensure that all rural poor can be lifted out of poverty and step into a moderately prosperous society by next year