
我们早就知道,人员是生物安全防控最大的威胁,丹麦人入境或设置淋浴设施都可以将这种风险降至最低。 我们知道,饲料运输车司机在下车卸货之前,应该换上新靴子或消毒靴子。
We’ve known for quite awhile that people pose a huge risk to biosecurity, which can be minimised with a Danish entry or with a shower-in set up. We know that feed delivery-truck drivers should be required to put on new booties or spray their boots before getting out of their trucks to unload.
然而,在其他情况下,我们低估了病原体进入畜群的多种途径。 例如饲料。 我们不知道某些病毒可以在饲料中存活,或者某些饲料原料可以保护甚至增强其毒性。
In other cases, however, we’ve underestimated some of the multiple ways pathogens find their way into our herds. An example is feed. We didn’t understand that some viruses can survive in feed or that some feed ingredients may protect or even enhance viruses.
总的说来,常规生物安全措施已得到加强,但需要不断加以审查。还需要简单易懂和易于执行。 他们需要解决人员和猪可能出现的问题。 就我个人而言,我总是发现在一个站点周围画一个框,列出所有条目和出口,并定义能减少病原体引入的活动是很有帮助的。
Overall, conventional biosecurity protocols have been intensified, but they need to be continually reviewed. They also need to be simple and easy to understand and execute. They need to work around the likely failures that pigs and humans present. Personally, I’ve always found it helpful to draw a box around a site, list all of the entries and exits, and define activities that will reduce pathogen introduction.

尽管我们对运输、饲料、水和空气带来的风险有了更好的了解,但仍有一些薄弱环节导致了生物安全的失败。 举个例子,这和换鞋有关。
Even though we’re developing a better understanding of the risks posed by transport, feed, water and air, there are still areas of weakness that lead to biosecurity failures. I’ll give you an example, and it has to do with changing shoes.
当进入配种到断奶和从断奶到育肥猪群时,需要换鞋和使用设计良好的长凳来标明脏区和净区是非常普遍的。 但是,如果你像我一样穿鞋,我必须用手脱掉,如果鞋被污染了,我的手就会被污染。
Requiring a shoe change and use of a well-designed bench designating the dirty and clean areas is very common when entering breed-to-wean and wean-to-finish populations. However, if you’re like me and wear shoes I have to untie and pull off with my hands and if the shoes are contaminated, my hands become contaminated.
Showering properly will remove the risk from hands, but if before showering I were to handle my shoes, then hand over a lunch bag or food container, the contact risk of contamination remains. To minimise this risk, include an extra step: apply a sanitising handwash after the lunch container is dropped in the designated location and before entry into the shower.
午餐容器通常放置在紫外线室中进行消毒,但大量研究表明,阴影可以阻挡紫外线消毒效果。 此外,紫外线不能穿透容器。 如果存在污染,结果是保护不足。
Lunch containers are often placed in a UV chamber to disinfect them, but numerous studies have shown that shadows can block the UV light. In addition, UV light does not penetrate containers. The result is inadequate protection if contamination is present.
Transportation risk

Several years ago, a group of us conducted a study involving environmental sampling of pig transport trailers before and after pigs were unloaded at six harvest facilities in the central US.1 Before unloading, 6.6 percent of 575 trailers were contaminated with PEDv. Of the remaining trailers that were not contaminated before unloading, 5.2 percent became contaminated during unloading, indicating the transport process is a source of PEDv transmission if adequate hygiene measures are not implemented.
Transportation is a high risk for pathogen contamination because so many pigs are transported and because it’s difficult to properly clean and disinfect trailers and tractors. There’s certainly better recognition of this risk, and many swine operations have dramatically improved their loadout biosecurity.
建立隔离区或区分脏区/净区是很常见的。 然而,猪通常不会单向流动,除非使用单向闸门等障碍物,否则它们不会留在拖车内。 其结果是装载机和拖车之间的接触点受到污染。 因此,工人们将被污染的脏污和粪便带到生产区。
Establishing and maintaining a line of segregation or a clean/dirty line is common. However, pigs frequently don’t go in a unidirectional flow, and they don’t remain in the trailer unless barriers such as one-way gates are used. The result is contamination of the contact point between the loadout and the trailer. Consequently, workers track contaminated dirt and manure back to live-animal production.
一个实际的解决方案可能是安装地板如Tri-Bar,允许额外的污垢和粪便从接触点掉落。 另一个有价值的步骤是要求动物管理员只使用专门的装卸区域的靴子和手套。 每次装车后,应立即冲洗,消毒和干燥。
A practical solution may be installation of flooring such as Tri-Bar that allows additional dirt and manure to drop away from the contact point. An additional valuable step is to require animal handlers to have boots and gloves they use only at the loading contact point. The loadout chute or contact point should be immediately washed, disinfected and dried after every load.
In our facilities, we’ve mounted an electric infrared heater aimed downward to the contact point because drying is an excellent way to inactivate pathogens.
Removal of dead sows
另一个常见的挑战领域是移除动物尸体。 用来运输动物的卡车需要清洗,消毒和干燥,这里也需要有明确的活体和尸体的分界线。
Another common area of challenge is the removal of dead animals. Trucks used to remove animals need to be cleaned, disinfected and dried, and here too, there needs to be a clear line of separation for live and dead transfer.
对于活体动物装载,脏区/净区分离线通常很好实施。另外,较新的运输死猪设施往往有指定的降落点,保持这种分离更容易。 然而,一头475磅的母猪的移动使这条生产线的维护变得困难。尤其是在有收集区的较老设施中,母猪必须由内向外移动,而且需要不止一个人。 有一个共同的领域交叉污染。
The clean/dirty line or line of separation is generally well defined for live-animal loading. In addition, newer facilities often have designated drop points that make it easier to maintain that separation. However, the practical removal of a 475-pound sow makes maintenance of that line challenging. This is especially so at older facilities that have collection areas where sows have to be moved from the inside to outside and where more than one person is needed. There’s a common area of cross-contamination.
Practical changes that can be made to minimise the biosecurity risk include rollers in the floor of the dead room so sows can easily be pushed forward. It helps to have porous flooring such as concrete slats or Tri-Bar that lets material drop away quickly and that also is easily washed.
To sum up, there have been tremendous improvements in biosecurity on US swine farms that are backed by practical scientific studies. However, there are still weak spots in our systems, and there are probably routes of pathogen transmission that haven’t even yet been discovered. To protect our herds and maybe, ultimately, achieve bioexclusion, we need to continually strive for biosecurity improvement.
3、作者:Joseph F. Connor

