作者:Mercer Mayer
小毛人Little Critter邀请他的小伙伴小熊来和他一起玩。小毛人和朋友一起,会做哪些有趣的事呢?
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I asked Mom if I could have a friend over,我问妈妈可不可以邀请朋友来家里做客,
cause I just don t want to play alone.因为我不想自己玩儿。

First we climb the apple tree.我们可以爬苹果树。
I could climb higher if I really wanted to.如果我想,我可以爬得很高很高。

Then we play in my tree house.我们还可以在我的树屋里玩儿。
My friend says only babies use a ladder.我好朋友说,小宝宝才用梯子呢。
Next we play hide-and-seek.我们玩儿躲猫猫。
I hide so well that my friend won t ever find me.我藏得可好了,我的朋友根本都找不到我。

We like to play with my racing cars.我们喜欢玩儿赛车。
They don t work very well in the water, though.虽然赛车不能在水中比赛。
We like to play basketball, too.我们也喜欢打篮球。
I could get the ball if I really tried.如果我努力,我就能拿到球。

Next we play with my new baseball打完篮球还可以打棒球,全新的垒球
and my Louisville Slugger bat.和我全新的Louisville Slugger球棒哦。
My friend likes to hit the ball,我的朋友只喜欢击球,
but he doesn t like to chase it.不喜欢跑垒。

Then we have a jump rope contest.我们可以比赛跳绳。
My friend jumps a hundred times.我朋友跳了一百个。
I could do that but sometimes I like to let my friend win.我可以做到但有时我愿意让我的朋友赢。
We swing on my swing set, too.我们还一起荡秋千。
Next time we ll swing on separate swings.下次,我们还是坐在两个秋千上荡吧。

We take turns playing daredevil on my new bike.我们骑着我崭新的自行车,轮流玩儿超胆侠的游戏。
My friend tries to stand on the seat.我的朋友尝试着站在自行车座上。

It s only bent a little.车只是有点变形了。
I bet Dad can fix it when he gets home.我打赌爸爸回来以后会修自行车。
My Mom takes care of our cuts and bruises.我妈妈给我们的割破和挫伤的伤口消毒包扎了。
My friend cries a lot.我朋友大哭了很久。
I only cry a little.我就哭了一小会儿。

After we finish playing,户外活动后,
we pick up my toys and put them away.我们开始玩儿玩具,把玩具收好。
My friend says he ll put away the comic books.我的朋友说,他会把连环画收好的。

but sometimes it s great just to be all alone.不过,有时候独处也很棒。
? END ?