当地时间10月17日,有网友在新加坡论坛网站“SG Talk”上分享了三封给美国参议员约什·霍利(Josh Hawley)、泰德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)以及美国哥伦比亚广播公司的电视节目《60分钟》(60 Minutes)的信,引发关注。

霍利参议员(Senator Hawley):
Your willingness to sacrifice an entire city, it’s way of life, its civility, the future of its youth, it’s freedoms unmatched anywhere else in the world, and it’s high degree of autonomy in a historically unique circumstance, is in my opinion a crime against humanity.
Your sole punitive objective of giving China a black eye, demonstrates not only a childish approach to the needs of the world, but also demonstrates a depravity of moral value, unbecoming of any religious institution whether Christian, Muslim, Judaism or Buddhism.
The world is NOT seeing the truth of Hong Kong. And your're only perpetuating that lie. It is seeing a facade of half truths created by one nation with the sole intent of undermining another nation hoping to curtail the continued emergence of that nation on the world stage. The world is seeing a singular view of Hong Kong events from the lense of those who wish to destroy its parent, where the only possible outcome is to completely sacrifice the child.
你们的目的或许是让中国屈服。但牺牲香港的繁荣,并以此为突破口的做法不仅道义上站不住脚,在策略和实践上也一塌糊涂。你们把香港搞得一团糟,但依然无法实现自己的目标。…But to choose Hong Kong as the sacrificial lamb for that reckoning is not only morally wrong, it is tactically and strategically wrong - if your objective is to bring China to its knees. You will not achieve your objective by bringing anarchy to Hong Kong.
克鲁兹参议员(Senator Cruz):
对自己不懂的事情,不要乱插手,因为你片面的观点可能会毁掉很多人的生活。你一个局外美国人却在教唆(香港的)暴力“抗议者”,但这对你支持的“抗议者”来说不会有好结果,更对香港无益——这座城市正夹在你的国家和你真正的目标国家(中国)之间。所以,别再利用香港和香港学生为你火中取栗了,谁都知道你的目的是削弱中国在该地的领导权。而你只会在不知不觉中巩固这一结果。If you don't understand something don't weigh in. Your incomplete view can destroy lives. Your being a sideline US enabler of violent protesters will have no positive outcome for the protesters your supporting...or the city stuck in between your real target (China) and your country. So quit using Hong Kong and it's students as a pawn in your clear objective to curtail what you fear - Chinese hegemony in the region. You are unknowingly perpetuating that outcome.
我也是美国人,我一直在香港生活。而你总共只来待了几天,就宣称你在的时候没有看到暴力,然后就坚定地支持那些破坏这个城市的暴徒们。对所有在这里生活的和平居民们来说,你这种行为无异于一种侮辱。I am an American living in Hong Kong and for you to come to this city, claim you see no violence in your short limited time here, and give unquestioned support to those who are destroying this city is an affront to all intelligent law abiding peaceful people who live here.
These protesters you are supporting are violating and undermining all rules of law of this great city. They are clearing a path to anarchy. They are lynching innocent bystanders (who are in fact voicing their freedom of speech in the most basic ways), they are destroying anything and everything of a contrary view (and in the most violent way). They are destroying public property everyone in this city depends on. They are committing the most horrendous acts of violence against fellow human beings - Yet you support them.
你是新教基督徒,但这些暴力示威者的行为中完全看不到一丁点基督徒的意味。这太讽刺了!我目睹的人对同类最残暴、最没有人性的行为,竟然是你作为基督徒指使的。你,克鲁兹先生,竟然说自己没看到暴力!你在撒谎,而你应当为此感到羞耻!You are an evangelical Christian but there is nothing Christian like in the protesters behavior. It's ironic isn't it - that the most inhuman and brutal treatment of fellow human beings I have ever witnessed in my life comes at the hands of your Christian lead movement. Shame on you Mr Cruz for perpetuating a lie - you see no violence!
There is nothing peaceful about these protests. There is nothing Christian about their murderous and destructive ways. There is nothing Democratic about their wholesale rejection of anyone who speaks a contrary opinion or offers any solution different from theirs (and they don’t offer any solutions).
For you to claim you see no evidence of violence by the protesters you are supporting shows you are nothing but an unmitigated liar or a complete idiot. Such a statement from a foreign government official unmasks your true intentions.
我去过世界上很多地方,但这是我第一次见到一个和平守法、自由开放的城市在这么短的时间里陷入此等混乱境地。建立在暴行之上的“暴徒正义”正成为新的街头法律,而你们支持的那些人正向人类同胞展示他们的人性已荡然无存。他们还在所到之处对此大肆宣传。I have seen a lot in my worldly travels but I have never seen a peaceful, law abiding free and open society descend into such chaos, over such a short period of time. Where mob justice underpinned by mob violence is the new law in the streets, where those you are supporting are demonstrating a complete lack of humanity to fellow human beings — and propagandizing everything in their wake.
你想同样的暴力发生在你的城市吗?想想看,你家乡的路被破坏了,街区的商店被烧了,你的朋友被揍到奄奄一息,你年轻的孩子被洗脑,而这一切都只让他们变得更加没有未来。然后来了个外国的议员,说他支持那些毁掉这个城市的人。Perhaps you would like the same violence inflicted on your city? your transport system destroyed, the business in your neighbourhoods set to fire, your friends beaten to an inch of their lives, your young children brainwashed, only to lose their futures consumed by their hatred and violence which has no possible positive outcome to them, then have representatives of foreign governments come to your city vocally supporting those who are destroying the city.
你那些错误的义利观将毁掉你支持的那些人。而你将被万夫所指,这个社会的所有人都不会忘记你在这些事情中应负的责任。你总有一天要为此付出代价。Your misguided sense of righteousness is going to lead to ruination for those you are supporting. And you will shoulder that blame, and those in this society will never forget that. Accountability will fall on your shoulders.
克鲁兹先生,你可以继续宣扬你虚假的基督教价值观,带到地狱里都没关系。You can take your false Christian values and take them straight to hell with you Mr. Cruz.
如果你关注美国大选就一定不会对泰德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)感到陌生,下面这张图是美国网友给他的画像。


最后一封信写给了《60分钟》(60 minutes)节目,这位美国网友写道:
我很喜欢你们的节目,在过去的三十多年都喜欢。但你们最近关于香港的片面观点实在让我沮丧得不得了。我从来没有想到过会有今天,一个由所谓基督徒支持的运动正在做出无法言说的暴力、表现出对人性的完全不尊重,而你们对此看法完全片面。如果你们做点功课的话,就会发现你们的看法是和香港大部分居民背道而驰的。I love your show. Always have for the last 30+ years. But I am incredibly dismayed by your single sided view of the Hong Kong protest movement, a completely unbalanced view of a Christian lead movement that is committing unspeakable acts of violence and showing a lack of humanity I never thought possible. All against the citizens in Hong Kong who, if you had done your research, might find them to be a majority.
你们根本没有想着去采访另一边的观点,这里的另一边指的不是中国,而是这个城市里生活的大多数人。现在这些人生活在恐惧之中,不敢说一句跟你们支持的人观点相左的话;有些老人出个门,不小心到了你们支持的人旁边,也只能自认倒霉,因为这些人对不同意见一丁点容忍度都没有。讽刺的是,你们支持的这些人号称在争取民主。You made no attempt to seek a view of the other side. And by the other side I do not mean China. I mean the majority of people living in this city, now living under a cloud of fear — fearful of speaking any contrary opinion to those who are ironically seeking a democratic platform — those very people you are supporting who have not shown an iota of tolerance for other opinion, but rather have shown an incredible lack of humanity in the violent mob justice they are committing against so many in this city, including a very large number of single elderly individuals who happen to be unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
香港曾经是这个地球上最开放、最自由、最遵纪守法的城市,而谁能代表香港呢?不是黎智英,不是黄之锋,更不是他们那些忙于毁掉这座城市的“示威者”们。让这座城市失去其自由、失去法治的,正是这些人,而不是中国。Not Jimmy Lai, nor Joshua Wong, nor their violent protesters running amuck destroying the fabric of life in what once was the most open, free, law abiding place on Earth, are appropriate representatives of Hong Kong. But they are in fact the only reason the people of this city are losing their freedoms and their gold standard legal system. Not China.
下次请你们做点功课吧,省得自觉不自觉地变成毁坏一座城市的背后推手。这座城市的绝大多数人现在都生活在恐惧里,并不是因为中国做了什么,而是因为这些你们支持的示威者们干了坏事。Next time do your research before becoming an unwitting (or perhaps witting) enabler of the violence being inflicted on a city, and the majority of people living here — living now in fear — not because of anything China has done, but what the protesters, and those of you who are enabling them, are doing.
编辑:王瑜 左卓

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