You might be getting back into swimmingthis month, toying with the idea of triathlons this spring or joining one ofour swim pods.
The one thing that can mess up your plansin a major way is shoulder pain, tendonitis or injury.
There's nothing more demoralizing to aswimmer than shoulder issues. If you have them now, see a doctor orphysiotherapist, stop swimming and allow your shoulder to fully recover.
But if you arelooking for swimming-specific prevention ideas, read on.
Shoulder pain can come from many sources.
Hunching over a computer all day with shouldersrounded forward
Sleeping posture
Muscle imbalances in your neck, shoulders, backand torso, and hips
Repetitive movements
Trauma (past or present)
Sport movements
It's hard toknow where it originates. But, how you swim can cause more stress on therelatively vulnerable muscles and tissues that support and stabilize theshoulder.
From a stroke mechanics perspective, there isone major cause of shoulder problems and that is the instinctive way in whichswim to make breathing easier. Beyond that, there are a few key things to lookthat may also make things worse.
In this seriesof blog posts, I'll cover each of them in detail:
Part I: How we use the extended arm for supportduring breathing.
Part II: How we recover the arm forward in a waythat feels right, but usually strains the shoulder or makes our stroke choppy,unbalanced and slow.
Part III: How good kicking is key to reducingshoulder strain.
Part IV: How we tend to pull too hard and placegreat strain on our shoulders.
Part I: Pushingdown and away to support the head during the breath.
Next time you swim (if you haven't had thechance yet to swim with a Sea Hiker coach and seen yourself on video), payattention to the arm that's out in front of you during your breath. Can youfeel it pushing down on the water or sculling (pushing) away from your head? Doyou feel your arm drops too soon on each breathing stroke?
It may be hardfor you to feel, since if you're breathing, you'll be distracted by the needfor air. That's also where bad habits emerge, while we're busy trying to getair.
Many coaches incorrectly call this a poor catch,failing to identify the root cause, which is lack of comfort with breathing inbalance. While it is a poor catch - your arm drops too soon - that is lesshelpful for understanding why you can't catch properly.
You areinstinctively trying to use the arm to support your head during an unbalancedbreath. Who cares about your catch, you're trying to get to air!
Most swimmers do this, so if you do it, too, youare not alone.
It looks something like this:

▲ 手过中线来支持呼吸

▲ 手开始向下向外划


This action putsthe shoulder in a vulnerable position.
Pushing down on the water with your armstraightened gives you very poor mechanical advantage, which means more directstrain on the smaller muscles and their tendons in the shoulder, rotator cuff,and shoulder blade (more specifically, the supraspinatus and the biceps tendonof the shoulder.
Rather thankeeping the shoulder properly supported, you're shifting the work from thelarger muscles surrounding the shoulder to the smaller more easily abusedstabilizing muscles.
These smaller muscles can't handle the largeloads for too long that swimming can place on them.
So, what does bad technique - pushing your headup with a straightened arm - feel like?
A Straight Armand Thumbs Down = Bad News
Gently, and I do mean gently, extend your rightarm out in front of you. Rotate your hand so that your palm faces the right,thumb down on a 45 degree angle.
Some of you may already feel discomfort in theshoulder. If you do, rotate less, to ease up on it.
Now if you wereto press lightly on the water, or in the case, on a solid object, imagine (butdon't actually do it) what it would feel like to put pressure on your shoulderin that position. Not good, right?
But yet most of us instinctively rotate thethumb downward on the entry. Why? To help push our head up with an outwardsculling motion (see photo #3-4 above).
Do this for lapafter lap at a higher intensity and you're asking for trouble.
If you know that you cross over, or you suspectthat you do, that makes things worse, as you will pinch your rotator cuff tissuesfurther, especially with your hand pitched with the thumb down.
And yet, this ishow most of us swim instinctively - as an insurance policy forgetting…that….breath.
Not only is the arm pushing down on the waterhard on our shoulder joint and tissues, it is really, really SLOW.
See below:




What To Do About It
The problem for us in trying to correct thislies with our breathing habits.
So dust off the old Streamline drill andpractice breathing with your front shoulder relaxed, lead arm angled downwardslightly from the shoulder, and breathing without pushing down with the leadarm. If you need to use fins to feel it, that's great. You want to feel whatbreathing without pushing down on the water feels like so you can achieve thatin your swimming.
Practice:Streamline drill with fins. (click here for the video) Turn the head withoutlifting it. You should be able to let the lead arm hand down on an angle fromthe shoulder. Eliminate tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back andinstead, float on your lungs.
Practice: BetterBreath Timing. (video) Swim three strokes and then try to turn yourhead before your hand enters the water. Some of you will know I call this"Cheating" on the breath. Use your body rotation to get you to air,not the pushing down with your arm.
Practice:Thumbs Up Swimming. (video) Finally, spend lots of time finding outif your hand enters the water with the thumb down, flat or up. Most of us swimthumbs down and this can definitely contribute to shoulder issues.
Throw onsome fins and swim with your eyes forward so you can see your hands enter thewater flat and extend flat. Lock in this feeling so that after 5-7 strokes, putyour head back down in the neutral position, and maintain the feeling of flathands. Still not sure (or not helping)?
Enter thewater with your thumbs up like you're hitchhiking (video). Get a friend towatch you to verify that you're doing it. Or, really exaggerate it. If you havea bad thumbs down entry, you may feel you're doing better, but nothing changes,this is really common.
Practice:Wide entry: Direct your arms wider than your shoulders as if you're swimming to11 and 1 o'clock. As long as you rotate fully through the upper body and torso,your arms will drive to a good catch and streamline position, while keeping yourshoulders stable. From head on, someone watching you would see your arms comingstraight out of your shoulders and not crossing over in front of your head.
Final Words
The overall guiding concepts for less strain onthe shoulder are:
Breathe in balance and find air by turning yourhead with your body, not by pressing down your arms.
Extend your arm forward on each stroke in astraight line from your shoulder without stretching or sculling or crossingover.
Improve your awareness of your arms onnon-breathing stroke first, then on breathing strokes, as this will help youretrain your breathing and stroke habits even faster.
Nextblog post:
The Relaxed Shoulder Recovery, or, How Not SwimSwim Like A Chicken (with Apologies to Chickens!)
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