Part II: TheChicken Recovery, Crunchy Shoulders and What to Do About It
Okay, the second thing that can cause shoulderstrain and injury is how we usually move our recovering arm - the one that'smoving above the water on each stroke.
What we do, silly humans, is give in to our deepand powerful instinct to swim like a chicken, which is profoundly misguided.
Chickens aren't even that good at flying. So whoknows where we got the instinct to swim like them.
Swimming like a chicken is not only bad for yourshoulder, it's also bad for business all around, wastes energy and slows youdown.
The ChickenRecovery and Why It Sucks
Simply put, when you begin to raise your arm andbring it forward, most of us pull the elbow behind your back and shoulder,putting greater strain on the shoulder joint, ligaments and muscles.
This happens for several reasons:
1. You are instinctively engaging the muscles ofyour back and shoulders to fling your arm forward. This reduces shouldermobility.
2. You are swimming too flat and have to getyour arm out of the water somehow.
3. You want to clobber the poor unsuspectingregular swimmer in the lane next to you and you're pulling back your elbow toreally give them a solid shot across their bow.
in allcases, what happens is that your shoulder tightens up and gets pulled into anawkward position, which can easily impinge your rotator cuff and cause wear andtear on the shoulder.
Here's a few examples of the chicken wingrecovery:

TheInefficient Chicken
From an efficiency standpoint, the chickenrecovery causes the following problems:
1. Over-swinging of your arms causing crossingover in front of your head, fishtailing, and general instability.
2. Drag: all that swinging makes you wobble likea 4-year-old learning to ride a bicycle.
3. The tension and exertion to fling your armforward is wasted and adds nothing to your speed overall. A tight shoulder alsomeans that your shoulder muscles will tire sooner, meaning your stroke is goingto break down faster, slowing you down.
4. Your elbow will be lower, closer to thewater, and for most swimmers, drain your ability to send your momentum forwardon each stroke.
But worst ofall, is that the movement is instinctive, so you have no awareness or controlover this mechanism - a movement that is potentially bad for your shoulderjoint and one that slows you down.
Tracing TheAncient Lineage of Dog Paddle & Windmill to the Present Day Chicken WingRecovery
As we evolved into swimming creatures, we shareda common ancestor who taught us how to swim, along with dogs and horses. Wecalled it the dog paddle, but it should be called the worst swim stroke in theworld.
狗刨 大风车到现在的鸡式回臂
Then camethe windmill stroke - one that is still used at the Olympic level - but a stokestyle that is generally not suited to efficient distance swimming or for thoseof us who can't afford shoulder surgery every year.
So ourcompromise is the Chicken Recovery.
And so now we've identified yet anotherinstinctive motion that is messing us up and creates a blind spot in ourtechnique. A blind spot is an area that we're not aware off. If we're not awareof it, how can we begin to correct it?
Mostrecoveries are too quick and sudden, allow little time to evaluate the path ofthe recovery over the water and how it affects our entry and extension into astreamline on each stroke.
This makes it really difficult to learn howbetter to move the arm forward.
What to doabout it
The Short Answer: Slow....things....down.
The main challenge that you have to overcome isthe initial difficulty in being aware of your body position (torso) relative toyour arm.
If you areswimming flat, any attempt to lift your elbow above the water will result in atightening of the shoulder and potentially shoulder impingement. (see the firstphoto above)
If you swimon your side sufficiently, on each body rotation, you have the ability now tobring your elbow forward without impingement. However, you need to swing theelbow away from you to ensure that happens. Even if you rotate enough, you canstill pull the elbow behind your back and cause your shoulder problems. (seephotos #2 and #3)
如果你转动充分,那么你有很大的机会避免肩膀的撞击,但是你要注意让肘部远离你的身体。即使你转动充分,你仍有可能因为让肘部拉到身体后方,导致肩膀问题,如图2 3
If yourotate enough AND swing the elbow outward, keeping the arm wide on recovery andentry, then you're off to the races. (photo #4)
Let's look at some drills to practice in orderto get this feeling.
1. Salute(dry land)
Stand in front of a mirror. Hold your forearm infront of you like it is in a cast with your hand over your opposite hip.
Let your hand relax, and then raise your armuntil you can almost salute yourself.
This ispretty much how you should be moving your arm in the recovery. By swinging yourelbow away from your body.
Practice it with both arms. Relax your shouldercompletely. Watch your shoulder: it should not rise up as you swing your armup.
Let yourwrist relax. If you have any discomfort in your shoulder, adjust the angle ofyour upper arm at your shoulder joint.
This often feels strange and ridiculous to manyswimmers. Swimmers who have been used to doing the chicken wing recovery foryears. Take your time to discover this new movement.
And veryimportant - use a mirror or watch your arm, shoulder and elbow with your eyes -to make sure that you're not just doing what feels natural: the chicken wing.

▲ 从这个位置开始,将手臂挥离身体

▲ 现在开始抬起你的手臂

▲ 整个过程中保持肩膀放松
2. StrokeRehearsal: Keep an Eye on Your Hands
Standing in front of a mirror or in waist deepwater, pretend to swim. Practice the recovery movement with your body at a 75degree angle (more or less) to the mirror and swing your elbow out and bring itforward until you can see your wrist and hand.
If you nowlook at your arm, it should be obviously in front of your chest.
Repeat on both sides, and then try a fullstroke.
Here are some example photos, but you'll see howthis works in the video:

And nowleaning forward, you could do this in the water while standing or in a switchdrill with fins on. As you can see, if looked straight ahead, I'd be able tosee my hand in my peripheral vision. Try it!
And then rehearse each stroke happening onlywhen you get to this position.

3. ThePyramid Recovery (on a soft surface)
Try the following on a bed. Lie with your leadarm dangling over the edge. Make sure your body is in streamline with one hipdown on the bed and the other up. Let your nose rest on the bed.
Put your arm fist own next to your head so thatyour bent arm forms a pyramid.
Then move your recovering arm back and forth tothis position.
4. PushHands with Fins
Kicking in streamline with fins, slowly push theback of your hand into the water up to your wrist and push it gently but firmlyforward until it has moved past your shoulder.
You'll know when to switch sides when thepressure on the back of your hand drops (because your hand has moved from avertical position to an angled position).
Then switch sides with a stroke smoothly but crisply.
Breathe on your side and then repeat.
Try this on a 3-4 second count. Use your kick toprovide stability and to keep you moving forward.
As you grow familiar with the drill, tryrelaxing your shoulders and focus on swinging your elbow away from your body toinitiate the recovery motion.
Then when you swim, do the same thing, but withyour hands just above the surface of the water during the recovery phase.
Overall, to gain more awareness of your armrecovery, shoulder position, body position and tension level,slow….things….down.
5. FullStroke Focus Points
Relax your shoulders. Sounds simple but for mostswimmers it's challenging.
Keep your elbow wet. Leave your stroking arm inthe water as you finish your pull. This helps remind you not to pull your elbowacross your body as you prepare for the recovery.
Swing wide, then high. Most of us willinstinctively pull back and then try to swing the elbow up. Problem is, yourshoulder is already jammed and the best you'll be able to do without hurtingyour shoulder is to swing far too wide on the arm recovery.
Shun the Zipper. Avoid the zipper drill oranything where you trace your hand along your body during a recovery motion.Try it on dry land - you won't be able to lift your elbow very high above yourshoulder while your hand is touch the side of your torso - and you shouldn't(unless you're a super-flexible Olympian or pro-triathlete who can affordshoulder surgery).
It sounds like a lot, but it is worth it to youto spend some time exploring the sensations of your shoulder, slowing thingsdown and trying out these exercises and drills.
Do you want to swim without pain? Attention tothese points will help you keep your shoulders healthy and swim faster withless effort.
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